Update to version 2.17.0 from November 24, 2020
Enhanced PDF report
- PDF report now includes data from all devices which were assigned to a patient within the chosen timeframe.
Extended API features
- The functions of the API have been extended with a number of new endpoints for retrieving and managing patients’ data. Now with the API of prisma CLOUD it is possible to:
- Create a new patient record or update a record;
- Retrieve data of all patients or filtered by criteria (i.e. patients with paired devices, patients without devices, or by category);
- Retrieve data of a patient by an ID or a serial number of a device paired to the patient;
- Pair or unpair a device to a patient;
- Create and retrieve a report for a patient.
- Endpoint for getting list of organisations which have allowed access to their data to the current organisation now allows you to specify a permission to filter the list by.
- For detailed information, please refer to API documentation (if you don’t have an access, please get in touch with your Löwenstein Medical customer service contact).
Extended organizations features
- All current functionality of prisma CLOUD is now available for any organization independently of its type.
- It is now possible to configure whether a partner organization has Read-only or Read&Write permissions for accessing your organization’s data via API.
New values in Statistics API
- Statistics endpoint now also returns the following new parameters: deep sleep duration, portion of deep sleep and SEL index.
- BiLevel API is extended with RSBI and Respiratory Stability (percentiles 25, 50, 75, 95).
Performance & stability
- Minor under-the-hood improvements that provide more comfort and stability.